Sip and Voip technology and Redundancy is probably the biggest hurdle that companies are facing today. Because Sip trunks, Ip Phones and Sip Phones are reliant on your high speed Circuit. This high speed circuit being either ADSL, Cable, or T1 must be available at all times in order to have a smooth and consistent service. If this circuit fails for any reason we are out of service which can cause Customer Service to go down the wayside. So we need to have some sort of backup if the internet fails. Some solutions that are being implimented are using 1. A mixed solution requiring both Analog and Sip Trunking. Although this requires the proper equipment to be implimented that can handle both Analog and Sip technology called hybrid it can save you a lot of greif and headaches if a failure does occur. So what does a hybrid solution offer well this means that you can have Both your Analog lines for your core incoming calls and then use Sip trunking for say your outgoing calls if your High Speed circuit goes down your business can still operate because the Analog lines will still be active. This being said it does come with some drawbacks and this solution may not be for everyone. Most customers have what's called rollover lines or hunting which is a service provided by your carrier which allows your line's to rollover if one is busy. Splitting your lines using both Analog and Sip technology does limit your ability to have all your lines rollover into eachother as you cannot have Analog lines spill over into your sip lines. Solution 2.Pertain's more to companies using all Sip Trunks and no Analog line's and is what is called Bonded Service. This is a solution whereby you add a second high speed circuit and the Proper Router to failback to a 2nd DSL or Cable Internet circuit. Mind you would want to make sure both circuits are from 2 seperate carrier's to impliment this properly. You wouldn't want to have say 2 high speed circuit's from the same carrier as If the one circuit fails most likely the 2nd would as
well. That's why you want to use 2 seperate carriers to impliment this correctly. If the Circuit from the 1st carrier fails the likelyhood of a failure from another carrier would be unlikely. A bonded router play's an important part in this solution as it must detect a failure and it would automatically go over to the second circuit and maintain the internet service allowing calls to continue to flow. Once this Router is configured and programed automatic failure should be programmed to detect a failure and failover to your second DSL or Cable circuit should happen automatically.
So we will continue to explore more solutions so check back with us as we will keep you informed.
Mike Iannazzo
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